Frequently Asked Questions


1. How early should my child be evaluated for orthodontic issues?

Your child should be evaluated for orthodontic problems no later than age 7,or as soon as orthodontic problems occur.

2. What are some early signs of orthodontic problems in children?

Baby teeth that do not fall out when they should and those that are lost due to decay may be signs of orthodontic problems. Also, biting and chewing problems, crowded teeth, excessive thumb and finger sucking, disproportionate jaws and teeth, and the inability of the top and bottom teeth to meet properly are common signals of orthodontic issues.

3. How long do braces take?

Complete treatment can usually be accomplished in within 18-36 months. Sometimes, this active movement is divided into two or more periods of time (Phase I and Phase II) with a rest of 6 to 18 months in between.

4. Are there orthodontic options geared toward adults?

Yes! Many treatments available are specifically designed for adults to straighten their teeth and/or correct bite issues. These options include treatments that involve little to no visible metal in your mouth, as well as procedures that can work faster and more comfortably than traditional braces.

5. Are there less visible ways to straighten your teeth, compared with metal braces treatment?

Clear braces, lingual braces, and Invisalign, clear teeth aligners are all discreet methods of straightening your teeth while reducing the chance that other might notice.

6. How uncomfortable will orthodontic treatment be?

With many innovations in braces and other orthodontic treatments, your teeth can be straightened much more comfortably.

7. What is the ultimate benefit of orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontic treatment helps to straighten misaligned teeth, close gaps, and bring your teeth into a more aesthetically pleasing position. It can also help with chewing and speaking difficulties, as well as correct common problems such as over- and under-bites. Orthodontic techniques can prevent facial disfigurementand damage to the teeth and gums. Effective orthodontic treatment can also address jaw joint pain, as well as prevent tooth decay and tooth loss resulting from crooked teeth that are difficult to clean.

8 Can braces or orthodontic treatment cause TMJ problems?

Scientific literature has documented that there is not a direct link between orthodontic treatment or occlusion and TMJ. Problems with TMJ can be present or absent in the presence of all types of good and bad bites.

9. Doretainers need to be worn after braces?

Yes, retainers are worn fulltime for about 6 months, followed by night time wear indefinitely.

10. Why do teeth get crooked after wearing braces or aligners?

Teeth move throughout life whether you have worn braces or not. It is part of the natural aging process. This is why retainer wear is recommended indefinitely to maintain your orthodontic results over your lifetime.

11. Is orthodontic treatment painful?

Having braces or a retainer device fitted doesn’t hurt. However, sometimes you may notice some discomfort in the first few days after fitting and adjustmentas your teeth start to move to a new position.

12. Does age affect orthodontic treatment?

You can have orthodontic treatment at any agebut treatment tends to take longer as we get older. While many patients come to us as teenagers, there is an increasing trend for people in their 30s and 40s (and beyond) to have treatment to ensure their natural teeth last and look great later in life.

Types Of Braces

Here are the types of Braces

Type 01
Invisible Braces

Invisalign uses a series of invisible, removable, and comfortable aligners to straighten your teeth.

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Type 02
Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces are made of clear materials and are therefore less visible on your teeth than metal braces.

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Type 03
Gold Braces

Gold braces can provide a cosmetically pleasing alternativeto metal braces.

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Type 04
Lingual Braces

There are special braces that do their work behind the teeth called lingual braces.

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Type 05
Metal Braces

They are the most common type of braces popular among kids and teenagers.

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Type 06
Self Ligating Braces

The ties used with traditional braces do an effective job of holding the wire in place.

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